Social research

Social research is an approach adopted by sociologists and researchers to learn about people’s day to day lives.

People from different parts of the world have different ways of living their social lives. They might have various views about one problem. To satisfy their requirements and know their thoughts and opinions, social research has always proven to be the best solution. 

VRSPL has been working across the length and breadth of the country, partnering with Ngo, State governments and Institutions to strengthen systems and fulfil the basic needs of the marginalized people residing in these territories.

Gender Equality

Gender Equality_ In their lives, every 3rd women will experience physical or sexual abuse. Many more will experience psychological violence. Still less than one percent of global humanitarian funding is spent on sexual and gender-based violence prevention and response activities. Pathfinder is working toward a world where people of all gender identities can lead lives free from violence, discrimination, and coercion—enjoying their right to full bodily autonomy and reproductive agency.

Gender inequality and gender-based violence (GBV) restrict women’s and girls’ mobility, access to resources, and limit their decision-making power―all of which impact their ability to act on their sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Healthy Families, Healthy Communities

Healthy Families, Healthy Communities- interconnectedness between family well-being and the overall health and prosperity of a community. It underscores the notion that when families are supported and healthy, they contribute positively to the broader community’s well-being, and vice versa.

The concept recognizes that families play a crucial role in shaping individuals’ physical, emotional, and social development. When families have access to resources, support systems, and services necessary to thrive, they can create a nurturing environment for their members. Healthy families often prioritize essential elements such as good nutrition, regular exercise, emotional well-being, education, and strong relationships.

Moreover, healthy families contribute to building strong communities by promoting positive social interactions and engagement. They often participate in community activities, volunteer their time and skills, and contribute to the local economy. When families are healthy, the overall community benefits from reduced healthcare costs, increased productivity, lower crime rates, and enhanced social cohesion.

Empowering Girl Child Through Education

Empowering the girl child through education is a critical and transformative process that involves providing girls with equal opportunities, resources, and support to pursue education and reach their full potential. Here are some key aspects of empowering the girl child through education:

  • Access to Education: Ensuring that all girls have equal access to education is fundamental. This involves addressing barriers such as poverty, distance to schools, lack of infrastructure, cultural norms, and discriminatory practices that hinder girls’ enrolment and attendance in schools.
  • Quality Education: It is essential to provide quality education that meets the specific needs of girls. This includes ensuring gender-responsive curricula, trained and gender-sensitive teachers, safe and inclusive learning environments, and access to necessary resources and facilities.
  • Promoting Gender Equality: Education plays a vital role in challenging and transforming gender norms and stereotypes. By promoting gender equality in schools, girls can develop a sense of agency, challenge discriminatory practices, and envision a future where they have equal opportunities to boys.
  • Health and Hygiene Education: Incorporating comprehensive health and hygiene education into the curriculum is crucial for girls’ well-being. This includes knowledge about reproductive health, menstrual hygiene management, nutrition, and disease prevention. Access to sanitary facilities in schools is also essential to ensure girls’ comfort and dignity.
  • Addressing Social and Cultural Barriers: Empowering the girl child through education requires addressing deep-rooted social and cultural barriers that limit girls’ educational opportunities. This involves engaging communities, religious leaders, parents, and other stakeholders to challenge harmful practices such as child marriage, early pregnancies, and gender-based violence.
  • Vocational and Technical Training: Providing girls with vocational and technical training opportunities expands their career options and economic prospects. It enables girls to develop practical skills in areas such as information technology, entrepreneurship, agriculture, and trades, enhancing their employability and financial independence.
  • Partnerships and Collaboration: Empowering the girl child through education requires collaboration among various stakeholders. Governments, civil society organizations, community leaders, and international agencies need to work together to allocate resources, implement policies, and support programs that prioritize girls’ education.

Empowering the girl child through education is not only a matter of justice and equality but also an investment in sustainable development and social progress. When girls are educated, they become agents of change, contributing to the betterment of their families, communities, and societies as a whole.

Ensuring Sustainable Development for Livelihood

India is home to one third of world’s poor. With uncertainty in the monsoons and lack of proper agriculture infrastructure, people in rural India are very vulnerable to any shocks and remain poor. Very few people have alternate sources of livelihood to support themselves.

We provide income generating opportunities to the entrepreneur network associated with us. We continuously work on skilling and capacity building of women and youth and help them build confidence to earn a sustainable livelihood.

Digital Literacy

  • According to UNESCO, India is one of the countries with the highest adult illiterates in the world. This is due to lack of proper infrastructure and poor pedagogy in schools. With increasing mobile penetration, the doors for opportunities open for people. Internet is having profound implications on economic, social and political empowerment of people.

    We work on bridging the digital gender divide and adoption of information technologies and communication services in education.


  •  Close to half (43%) of the low birth weight infants in the world are born in India. In our country, malnutrition accounts for nearly 50% under-five mortality. Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) is associated with suboptimal brain development in children.

    We work on using technology-based services to track and monitor the nutrition programs and awareness campaigns led by the entrepreneur network in the villages.

Clean Energy

 Rural India still lives in the dearth of electricity despite the fact that all villages have been electrified across the country. People resort to use of energy sources such as kerosene, diesel etc. which have major health implications. Indoor air quality is a prominent cause of death, second highest after high blood pressure.

We spread awareness on the use of clean energy products and conduct behaviour change campaigns.


Female Hygiene & Childcare

Women face challenges accessing proper sanitation facilities. With the taboo associated with menstruation, women in rural India find it shameful talking on this issue. With lack of knowledge the women end up using unhygienic substances such as unclean cloth and leaves. This often leads to poor menstrual hygiene and reproductive disease.

In India, 90% of maternal deaths are avoidable if women receive the right kind of intervention. Proper education on prenatal care helps recognize warning signs and seek medical help. We work on community awareness and providing access to essential services for mother and childcare.

Family Planning and sexual Reproductive Health

We envision sexual and reproductive health as an empowerment tool for marginalised and young couples. Through provision of choices and awareness about contraception, family planning significantly reduces the vulnerabilities of unwanted or untimely pregnancies, unsafe abortions, poor maternal and child health, thus saving precious lives of mothers and babies.

We provide tele-medicine and tele-counselling services to the women in the disadvantaged communities.

We are working for below

  • NGO’s Institutions and Government Bodies.
  • Care India
  • Telehealth Innovations Foundation
  • Ashwath Foundation.
  • Sambodhi Research & Communications Pvt. Ltd.
  • Society of Community Health Oriented Operational Link.
  • Dharmalife.